SYNROOF - Premium Quality Acrylic Waterproofing Coating

BITUMAT SYNROOF is a versatile acrylic elastomeric waterproofing coating. It cures to a highly flexible, tough, seamless membrane for the protection of all kinds of roofs.


SURFACE PREPARATION Roof and other surfaces must be thoroughly clean, dry, free from moss, dirt, oil, grease and loosely adhering materials. In case of metal surfaces, remove rust and contamination and apply a coat of anti-corrosive primer. To achieve best results, a fiber mesh reinforcing mat should be embedded into first coat of BITUMAT SYNROOF whilst still wet mainly at expansion areas and joints with parapet. Depending on the nature of substrate, a priming coat with BITUMAT SYNROOF diluted with 20% water may be required.


BITUMAT SYNROOF is suitable for application to most types of roofs, flat or pitched eg., concrete, metal, asbestos, wood etc. It also forms a heat and solar reflecting membrane.

  • 20 Kg. Metal Pail

  • Note : BITUMAT SYNROOF is tested as per ASTM test methods and report is available on specific request.


By soft bristle brush, roller or airless spray. Minimum 1 mm thick dry film is recommended for a satisfactory performance and perfect recoating interval is 8 hours at 30 Deg. C., 65% RH.


Allow 24 hours for the final curing to take place at normal working temperatures. Complete curing is required before any insulation or protection board is placed.


Store under cover at temperature above 5° C. and below 30° C. Minimum shelf life of one year in unopened containers can be expected.


Traffic roofs : Maximum protection can be achieved by insitu screed. Use a Kraft paper or polyethylene separation layer over the insulation boards. Then lay a topping screed of 4 cm to 5 cm thickness

Non-Traffic roofs : Place a non woven polyester separation layer BITUMAT BITUTEX, over the insulation boards. Then cover to a minimum depth of 5 cm with 15/30 gauge washed gravel. For thicker insulation boards, the gravel depth should at least be equal to that of the board thickness.


Bitumen or asphalt roof surfaces receiving a coating of BITUMAT SYNROOF should be thoroughly dry.

Never apply if rain is imminent.

Application at temperatures below +5° C may result in incomplete film formation, with reduced elasticity and the possibility of cracks forming.

Do not use BITUMAT SYNROOF on areas that will be constantly submerged in water.


Generally safe, non-toxic and non-flammable whilst wet. However, avoid prolonged skin contact. Use of cream, gloves is advisable. If eyes are affected by BITUMAT SYNROOF, rinse with copious amount of clean water. If ingested, seek medical attention immediately.

المصادر التقنية

تأسست شركة بيتومات في عام 1984 ، ولكن جذورها تعود إلى عام 1975 عندما شارك المؤسسون في صناعة العزل المائي للأسقف بصفتهم تجاراًومركبين في المملكة العربية السعودية لشركة تصنيع رئيسية من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

مشاهدة الكل

أكاديمية الأسقف والعزل المائي الوحيدة في الشرق الأوسط! حضر الأكاديمية آلاف من الممثلين من مختلف أنحاء العالم وتخرجوا بمرتبة الشرف. يمكنك أيضاً أن تكون واحداً منهم.......

مشاهدة الكل

تؤمن بيتومات بالجودة والتي تتميز بكونها الأفضل ، بل الدائمة أيضاً.

مشاهدة الكل

تم توفير قاعدة بيانات لتحميلهاو مساعدتك للوصول على المعلومات الصحيحة عندما تكون في أمس الحاجة إليها.

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مشاهدة الكل

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