BITUSEAL - Self-Adhesive Reinforced Membranes

BITUMAT BITUSEAL self-adhesive membranes are produced with special multilayered design with a glassfibre reinforcement which is impregnated and coated on both sides with a uniquely formulated, elastomeric, thermo plastic rubberized bituminous compound which provides high adhesive properties. The compound provides self healing properties.

BITUMAT BITUSEAL 1000 incorporates a dimensionally stable rotproof glassfibre matt. BITUMAT BITUSEAL 1200 has a core of nonwoven polyester fabric.

The membranes are covered on their top surface with a translucent polyethylene foil and on the underside with a siliconised release paper. This combination along with pre manufactured selvedge for overlaps, provides instant adhesion with high tear and puncture resistance and improved tensile strength. A top surfacing of polypropylene film is also available.


BITUSEAL 1000 - an excellent general purpose waterproofing membrane with a dimensionally stable, inert, rotproof glassfibre matt reinforcement. BITUSEAL 1200 - a widely specified and proven product, used extensively in waterproofing. The nonwoven polyester reinforcement provides additional puncture resistance, tensile strength and tear resistance.


BITUMAT BITUSEAL is the ideal membrane for damproofing foundations, bridges, viaducts and tunnels. It is recommended for use under composition shingles and roof tiles, as a protective shield against water and ice. Strips of various widths are used extensively in road design and construction.


In addition to stringent regular tests by BITUMAT laboratory, periodic visits and Quality Control Tests are performed by Independent outside laboratories


0.3 - 0.50 L/M2 depending on condition of the substrate.

Installation Tools Required
Knife Measuring tape Small roller Marking string Gloves


The surface to receive BITUMAT BITUSEAL should be smooth and dry and free from dust and dirt. The surface should be primed thoroughly with a Bitumat Concrete Primer. BITUMAT BITUSEAL is installed by progressively peeling off the release paper and unrolling the membrane along with it. The membrane, particularly at the overlaps, should be firmly pressed down to ensure a good seal.

المصادر التقنية

تأسست شركة بيتومات في عام 1984 ، ولكن جذورها تعود إلى عام 1975 عندما شارك المؤسسون في صناعة العزل المائي للأسقف بصفتهم تجاراًومركبين في المملكة العربية السعودية لشركة تصنيع رئيسية من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

مشاهدة الكل

أكاديمية الأسقف والعزل المائي الوحيدة في الشرق الأوسط! حضر الأكاديمية آلاف من الممثلين من مختلف أنحاء العالم وتخرجوا بمرتبة الشرف. يمكنك أيضاً أن تكون واحداً منهم.......

مشاهدة الكل

تؤمن بيتومات بالجودة والتي تتميز بكونها الأفضل ، بل الدائمة أيضاً.

مشاهدة الكل

تم توفير قاعدة بيانات لتحميلهاو مساعدتك للوصول على المعلومات الصحيحة عندما تكون في أمس الحاجة إليها.

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مشاهدة الكل

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