BITUMAT I.P. PRIMER F.D. is a premium quality cold applied fast curing primer formulated with a highly pliable, flexible bitumen and select fast drying solvents compounded with wetting and saturation additives.
BITUMAT I.P. PRIMER a universal primer for concrete, smooth asphalt roofs, brick and metal surfaces. Used as the prime coat before applying coatings. It cannot be used on a heated surface.
BITUMAT I.P. PRIMER F.D. is a fast curing primer and hence:
Dust is not trapped whent wet. Time interval between coats is less resulting in greater efficiency and productivity. 100% evaporation of solvents is achieved which is specially essential when using self-adhesive membranes and tapes. Greater enhancement for adhesion / bonding. Does not require heating, thinning or mixing, thereby saving labour costSurface to be thoroughly cleaned to remove rust, mill scale, weld spatter, dirt and other loose or deleterious matter.
BITUMAT I.P. PRIMER F.D. must be applied by brush to dry. On a clean prepared surface in one thin continuous coat without runs or sags.
BITUMAT I.P. PRIMER F.D. must be completely dry before commencing wrapping, coating or membrane application.
تأسست شركة بيتومات في عام 1984 ، ولكن جذورها تعود إلى عام 1975 عندما شارك المؤسسون في صناعة العزل المائي للأسقف بصفتهم تجاراًومركبين في المملكة العربية السعودية لشركة تصنيع رئيسية من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
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