AQUASHIELD LX -Rubberized Damp-Proofiing Coating & Adhesive

BITUMAT AQUASHIELD LX rubberised bitumen coating is an highly adhesive, brush or squeegee applied, modified bitumen waterproof coating and adhesive. BITUMAT AQUASHIELD LX is specially formulated to provide high resistance to the passage of water vapour and to re-emulsification when in long term contact with water.

BITUMAT AQUASHIELD LX bonds tenaciously to most substrates.


General damp-proofing & vapour barrier: BITUMAT AQUASHIELD LX rubberized bitumen coating bonds extremely well to a wide variety of substrates including concrete, brick, bitumen & mastic asphalt membranes, asbestos cement, slates, tiles, etc.

Adhesive for flooring: Used to bond and lay wood block, cork, vinyl, asbestos, asphalt tiles. Not suitable for plasticized flexible rubber and vinyl tiles and sheet.

Insulation board adhesive: For bonding boards and slabs made from insulants such as expanded polystyrene, fibreboard, cork, etc.

Preparation for plastering: Used to provide a key for plaster to difficult surfaces (eg. gloss paint and tiles).


General damp-proofing & vapour barrier.

As a general waterproofing for vertical and horizontal application.

a) Prepare surface as indicated earlier

b) Apply in two coats. The first at the rate of 1.0 lit. per Allow to dry before applying the second coat which should be at right angle to the first, at the same rate as before.

c) Use only as damp-proof membrane in sandwich construction. Apply as above, blinding the wet second coat with clean, sharp sand before applying a minimum of 50mm sand cement screed surface. Integrate the liquid membrane into the damp-proof course system

d) If BITUMAT AQUASHIELD LX is to be left exposed to sunlight for any length of time, the wet second coat must be blinded with clean sharp sand.

When used as a vapour barrier, it is essential that there are no imperfections in the coating. Any small hole will destroy the vapour seal.

As an adhesive for wood blocks & mosaics

a) In damp conditions prepare floor by applying as detailed above, thus first providing a damp-proof membrane.

b) Ensure that the screed surface is perfectly level, cured and dry.

c) Clean and dampen screed surface. Then dip the underside of the wood blocks into the BITUMAT AQUASHIELD LX, coating up to half the height of the block. Then press the block firmly into place forcing out entrapped air.

d) Keep tools in water during use. Clean with water when wet and with white spirit when dry.

As an adhesive for insulation and tiles

a) For damp surfaces prepare as detailed above.

b) Ensure surfaces are smooth, clean and lightly dampened.

c) Allow both surfaces to be bonded with BITUMAT AQUASHIELD LX at the rate of 1 .0 kg per

d) Allow to become tacky before pressing firmly together. It may be necessary to hold the material in place until sufficient adhesive strength is developed.

المصادر التقنية

تأسست شركة بيتومات في عام 1984 ، ولكن جذورها تعود إلى عام 1975 عندما شارك المؤسسون في صناعة العزل المائي للأسقف بصفتهم تجاراًومركبين في المملكة العربية السعودية لشركة تصنيع رئيسية من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

مشاهدة الكل

أكاديمية الأسقف والعزل المائي الوحيدة في الشرق الأوسط! حضر الأكاديمية آلاف من الممثلين من مختلف أنحاء العالم وتخرجوا بمرتبة الشرف. يمكنك أيضاً أن تكون واحداً منهم.......

مشاهدة الكل

تؤمن بيتومات بالجودة والتي تتميز بكونها الأفضل ، بل الدائمة أيضاً.

مشاهدة الكل

تم توفير قاعدة بيانات لتحميلهاو مساعدتك للوصول على المعلومات الصحيحة عندما تكون في أمس الحاجة إليها.

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مشاهدة الكل

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